The Walls

I could not believe I was already 18. I could finally move away from my crazy parents, my annoying brother, and my giant dog. I finally graduated high school and I was well on my way to college. Mom said I should first buy a house and get a job before I go. I didn't have a lot of money, but I did find a perfect little neighborhood, albeit completely sold out.
There was, however, one lonely house for only 5,000 bucks. I met up with the Realtor, wrote my name, and I got the house. Oddly she said under her breath "Good luck." I ignored it and moved on. The place was a hole, an ugly hole at that. I looked around and I saw one thing that was really weird: a door that was locked, and not any lock that I've seen before. It didn't have a key hole.
I then entered the living room, which had all of my stuff there. But now it had a flat screen TV! I wasn't going to complain, so I found the remote and turned to some football. A few hours later, I sneezed. Then, all of a sudden, a voice said "God bless you." I thought it was just my imagination. I did the same thing again, though, and "it" said that again.
A few hours later, since no one was around, I farted. Then some thing said "how rude!" I was really scared now. "Who are you?" I said shakily.
Finally, it said "Look behind you..." I was very scared now. I looked behind very slowly, and I saw...a wall.
"Exactly," it had said to me. It was the walls. I backed up out of the living room and into the hallway. "Don't be scared," it said to me. I was freaking out and went up the hall stairs. Then I tried to open the locked door and, to my surprise, it worked.
"I wouldn't go in there if I were you..." I shut the door and stayed away from the walls.
Then the walls started to close in. I couldn't stop it. "Good bye..." were the last words I heard. Now I live in the walls, in the old house, with the big TV, and the old computer, with the owner, reading this creepypasta...
"Good bye..."